YouTube Audio Downloader


Youtube Downloader is application whihc allows user to download audio from the youtube videos so that user don't have to perform auxiliary steps to convert a video into audio format. This is helpful and provides flexiblity to userwho just want to save their favourite songs or playlist directly in device with less storage space because audio will requre less space compared to video. Also several audio books, speechs, online lectures with instruction, etc. can be downloaded. User just have to provide the link of youtube video. Even playlist containg several videos will get downloaded as individual file which can be played using any multimedia player.


For developing this application only 1 external package is required that is youtube_dl. It is an open-source download manager for video and audio from YouTube and over 1000 other video hosting websites. Also current code is adapted according to python 3.7 version so result may vary when executed in different version of python. It will also require ffmpeg software for windows to handel videos, audios and other multimedia files and streams.


Python 3.7

Source Code

Code snippet


George Ezra-Shotgun