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The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation published Annual Survey of Economic Impact providing data on all Irish-owned and foreign-owned client firms of the enterprise agencies from the year 2000-2017.
Source of Data
Sales of all the industries from the year 2016-2017 are animated using bar-chart. The progressive line graph shows that sales throughout the years except for 2009 experienced growth where 2017 was the peak in sale's numbers. Total sales across foreign-owned Manufacturing industries are higher than all Irish owned industries expect Energy, Water, Waste & Construction, but it's expected because as we see the data, the counts of the Irish owned industries is less compared to foreign industries. Information, Communication and Manufacturing industries contributes the highest sales.
The total sales of the foreign-owned Manufacturing industry are almost stagnant until 2015. Similarly, a steady increase in sales is accounted for all the Irish owned Industry from 2007- 2017. Contribution of sales is almost negligible for Energy, water, waste and Construction industries for both Irish and foreign-owned industries. Additionally, the doughnut chat calculates the total sales of both Irish and foreign-owned industry. Sales of 1,632,503 euro and 374,913 euro are recorded for foreign and Irish industry respectively.
Data of 15 Irish industries shows that food, drinks and tobacco industry has the highest national sale and export sale contribution. This helps us to identify how much value of goods is being exported and how much consumed locally. For basic and fabricated metal products, non-metallic minerals and wood products industries contributed less than half of its goods exports. Similarly, it also indicates that Transport Equipment, Medical Device Manufacturing, has the least sale hence leading to less export sale too. This also shows potential opportunity for all other industries apart from food drinks and tobacco industry and shows that food drinks and the tobacco industry have a huge market in Ireland as well as abroad.
It can be noticed that food, drink and Tobacco industry has more sales despite with fewer payroll costs per person providing better return of investment on employee. Also indicating that several other industries like Medical Device Manufacturing, Transport Equipment has least Return of Investment as a low total sale but paying the same amount of payroll as other industries.
The USA was the largest export destination in 2018, accounting for €39,120 million or 28% of total exports. There were €54,083 million of imports from the EU in 2018, representing 60% of total imports. Exports to EU countries in December 2018 increased by €859 million. The USA was the main non-EU destination accounting for €2,513 million (21%) of total exports in December 2018. The USA with €1,428 million (17%) and China with €485 million (6%) were the main non-EU sources of imports
The agri-food sector is Ireland’s largest indigenous industry, employing 8.4% of the working population. Collectively, the sector achieved revenues of €26 Billion in 2015. The agri-food sector is export-orientated accounting for 10.7% of merchandise exports. Between the period 2009 - 2017 agri-food exports increased by 74% from €7.8 billion to €13.6 billion. Exports to the UK during this period increased by 40%, with exports to the rest of the EU increasing by 68%. However, the most significant export growth was seen in exports to non-EU destinations (+162%).
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